Fortunately the recent increase in temperatures and helped dry the course and green up the playing surfaces. As I write this on May 6th the trees are just starting to bud out and the rough is just starting to grow. Some new things you may notice on the golf course include:
On hole two we changed the route for water draining from Trowbridge Drive into the pond by the tees. Last fall we dug a new ditch to allow the water to reach the pond via a culvert under the cart path. As part of the project mounding is being built left of the tee and right of the fairway bunker and a new forward tee will be added. Disappointingly they fall rains and early winter put a halt to the project so the areas will need to be graded and seeded this spring.
The rains stopped and the winds cooperated to allow us to mow about half our gorse or natural no-mow areas. Controlled burns reduce weeds and promote healthier growth of the grasses. Burning also returns nutrients to the soil while improving the overall visual quality of the no-mow areas.
Burning reduces last years matted vegetation.
The marsh grasses on hole 14 burn quickly.
In a bit of bad news part of the bridge used to go from holes 19 to 20 and 17 to 18 collapsed on May 5th. Due to the importance of the creek crossing we have to move fast to provide a passage way for the carts. We plan to install two 24" culverts side by side to the back right of 19 green for traffic going to hole 20 and a 36" culvert on hole 17 near the walking bridge.
Both of these crossings will be more convenient and a shorter route to the next hole. It may take a few weeks to bring in a air compressor and jack hammer to take out the old bridge and abutments so we appreciate your patience.
The right span of the bridge behind 19 green collapsed. It will be
replaced with a culvert crossing.