Monday, April 23, 2012

Culvert Collapse

You may have noticed the gaping hole in the cart path on hole 1 for the first half of the season. At some point the 24" x 20' plastic culvert collapsed allowing the soil to fall in and wash down stream. Luckily the sink-hole was to the one side so golfers and carts could still gain access to the first fairway.

Oddly enough a 3" irrigation line crossed right over collapsed part of the culvert so our opinion is the irrigation crew damaged the pipe during installation and covered up the incident. That lasted 17 years until the area collapsed. Luckily it was over winter and not while a customer or employee was crossing the creek.

One challenge to the job was to stop the water flow so we could install the new culvert. We did this by building a dam upstream and pump downstream to provide as dry as workplace as possible.

It took three of us a full day to remove the old culvert, prep the area and install the new culvert. We have no doubt the new culvert will last 50 years of more without issue.

As you play the hole you may notice the creek is holding water. We did change the grade to get the new culvert under the irrigation pipe and after things firm up we will need to work downstream to improve water flow and clean out debris.

In case you have not noticed there is always work to do on the golf course!

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